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La Fiera


Vinòforum, la principale fiera enologica e gastronomica di Roma e del Centro Sud Italia, deve il grande successo all’unicità del suo format: un evento che ospita oltre 900 aziende espositrici tra cantine vitivinicole italiane ed internazionali,  ristoranti, enoteche, aziende gastronomiche, con l’unico obiettivo di promuovere la cultura agroalimentare del nostro Paese.

Vinòforum è da oltre 21 years the Wine event in Rome, a city that represents the main commercial hub of the Italian food & beverage market.

In terms of number of members and quality of products, Vinòforum is the second event in the wine sector on a national scale and the first in Central-Southern Italy, as well as being accredited as a trade fair with national qualification - given the importance of its activity which is based on a business, training and entertainment-oriented approach.

Da 21 anni. Ogni edizione, Roma Capitale del Vino e del Cibo

Every year Vinòforum records a proportional growth not only in passionate visitors, but above all in terms of interest from operators, sector experts and stakeholders.

0Exhibiting companies
0Industry operators
0Tasting events
0Italian chefs involved

Participate in Vinòforum

The Vinòforum format is constantly evolving.
Every year the event is implemented with contents of particular interest for the sector.

Presiding one of the most important commercial hubs
Enter in contact with the main operators in the sector
Realize B2B and B2C activities
Increase your brand awareness

Vinòforum Eventi Srl © 2019 | VAT number 11173301000 | Via Raffaele Battistini, 10 00151 – Rome
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